When you open your own business, there are going to be a variety of processes that you undertake on a daily basis. This includes things like audits, product checks, invoice creation and platform updates. Now, some things need to be done manually to ensure that they have the best outcome, but you should consider utilising an automated process to get the same result! Here are seven business processes you need to automate today.

Employee onboarding

Your HR department has to deal with employee onboarding all the time. This is where the HR team will check an employee’s background, and will then process their payroll and assign insurance. For every new employee, the HR team needs to deal with these processes to ensure they can settle into work. To save time, and to allow the HR team to focus on different tasks, you can automate the employee onboarding process.

Invoice payments

It can be difficult to keep up with the constant influx and output of invoices. You have to pay your employees, vendors and suppliers, sometimes on a daily basis, other times on a specific day of the week. With all the other tasks on your mind, you may struggle to remember to pay your invoices. That’s why it can be useful to develop automated invoice payment software or turn to third parties to assist you, such as Xelix.


Whether your employees are working remotely, or perhaps you want to keep track of the number of hours that they work in the office, it’s likely that you are using timesheets. Automated software can help keep track of timesheets and automatically process and verify them. That way your employees can be paid efficiently.

Customer support systems

 Your customers can become frustrated if they are left waiting in a queue for your support. That’s why you may want to introduce an automated customer support system to help your clients. This can include AI, chatbots and help centres.

Employee holidays

 It’s natural for your employees to take regular leaves of absence. In some cases, it may be for medical reasons, other times it may be for a holiday or break. Automated software can actually record these absences and input data about why the employee was away from work.

Material orders

 No matter what type of product you create, you are most likely going to be ordering materials from different suppliers on a monthly basis. Usually, you will receive a quote about these supplies and have your business team approve of it. Business process automation software can be used to simplify this.

Travel requests

 Sometimes your job may entail you going to different cities and countries to conduct business meetings and to join conferences. Automating travel requests can help find the best tickets and ensure that all expenses have been noted down and approved of.

Are you ready to automate your business processes?

 It’s important to automate your business processes to ensure you have time and space to focus on other company issues. With these 7 ideas, automating your processes are easier than they have ever been before. So, sit back, relax and watch your business become easier to manage!


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